Researchers Create Artificial Eggs, Chimeric Sperm, and Synthetic Embryos
All of these advances are in mice for now, but maybe these breakthroughs can one day be adapted as human therapies.
All of these advances are in mice for now, but maybe these breakthroughs can one day be adapted as human therapies.
IVF at "significant risk"
Colorado law says that ordinarily the decision is in favor of the person who doesn't want the embryos implanted; the Colorado Court of Appeals held that this applies even when the person has religious reasons for wanting to donate them to another couple.
Yet Congress is keeping parents from using modern biotech to prevent disease in their offspring
Recent advances in uterus transplantation will soon make this possible
Just because it's new doesn't mean that it's wrong.
"We are trying to understand what kind of person makes this many babies."
Many countries around the world ban in-vitro fertilization practices that allow for the selection of a child's sex.
Law that only protects heterosexual couples declared unconstitutional
More than half resulting in live birth
Also for possible citizenship purposes
Church attorney says it's a violation of church doctrine
The service is banned in Great Britain
The bioethics of in vitro fertilization and birth defects