Jeffrey A. Singer practices general surgery in Phoenix, Arizona, and is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute.
After a Crackdown on a Pain Clinic, a Tragic Double Suicide
After losing access to opioids, many patients can’t live with constant pain.
After losing access to opioids, many patients can’t live with constant pain.
The unanimous decision is a good first step for getting law enforcement out of prescription decisions.
Doctors can’t help people in pain because of restrictive opioid policy.
A major lesson of the pandemic is that science is "not a priesthood," says Dr. Jeffrey A. Singer, a general surgeon and senior fellow at the Cato Institute.
Prohibition forces doctors to cut patients off from essential pain-killing medication.
We can’t eliminate the virus, but we can reduce its harm to our lives and livelihoods.
The FDA lets doctors prescribe off-label drugs all the time. Now that there’s a pandemic, some governors have decided doctors can’t make those decisions for themselves.
Classifying heavy internet use as medical addiction leads to bad policy and inferior patient care.
The FDA should facilitate access to the the opioid-overdose antidote.
Let doctors exercise their best professional judgment and prescribe opioids-free from the chilling effects created by monitoring government agencies.
Medical tort reform is overrated. And it's probably unconstitutional.
Here are the problems with the House plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.
I've voted for Republicans for president before. No more.
In the government's new war on opiates, physicians and their patients find themselves caught in the crossfire.
The issue of mandatory vaccination is a thorny one for libertarians. A tension exists between the rights of the individual and the rights of the general public.
How a free society should respond to a communicable disease outbreak.
Vaccination is a wise idea, but in a free society, we must tolerate bad choices.
Contrary to "conventional wisdom," health insurance-private or otherwise-does not make health care more affordable.
If you want a preview of the future of American health care, just look to Canada.
As health care gets more bureaucratic, will doctors go Galt?
How the government is putting the medical profession-and your health-at risk
How the Emergency Treatment and Labor Act interferes with state sovereignty
Is "medicalization" the first step in ending the drug war? Or just the next step in continuing it? Jacob Sullum lays out the "public health" issues and a panel of experts responds.