The Lab Leak Deception
Public officials concealed their conflicts of interest and role in funding research that may have caused the pandemic, says health reporter Emily Kopp.
Public officials concealed their conflicts of interest and role in funding research that may have caused the pandemic, says health reporter Emily Kopp.
Thanks to some amazing recent crop biotech breakthroughs
All of these advances are in mice for now, but maybe these breakthroughs can one day be adapted as human therapies.
Real factories are beginning to replace factory farms.
Expect anti-biotech activists to oppose this important development.
Nobel laureates properly call activist group's campaign against crop biotechnology a "crime against humanity."
The technique "could potentially help address problems of poverty and food insecurity at a global scale."
The process uses 99 percent less land and 96 percent less freshwater than traditional meat production.
Science writer Steven Johnson, author of the new book Extra Life, on vaccines, medical breakthroughs, and life after Covid.
And it's already sold out.
Medical breakthroughs mean we will never again suffer through diseases like the novel coronavirus—if politicians will get out of the way.
The upsides and the possible downsides of transmissible vaccines .
The goal is to drastically reduce the population of disease-carrying bloodsuckers.
From "stay hungry, stay foolish" to "try everything, take nothing off the table."
The former Merry Prankster and Whole Earth Catalog founder talks about psychedelics, computers, bringing back woolly mammoths, and his new documentary.
Let's restore this giant to America's forests.
And produced with a much lower environmental footprint
The USDA under the Trump administration streamlined some outdated and scientifically unwarranted regulations of modern biotech crops.
Cell-based meat cultivation is on its way.
Especially if the COVID-19 inoculations are deployed speedily and accepted widely.
And there looks to be more good vaccine news coming.
Anti-biotech activists cite the precautionary principle to maintain chestnut tree-free forests.
Growing more food on less acreage means more land for nature.
The chemical company has agreed to create a $10 billion settlement fund
Stocks rise steeply on good news about mRNA vaccines.
No time to waste; do it sooner rather than later.
DIY biologists propose creating a public domain SARS-CoV-2 vaccine with $25,000 in funding.
We will soon learn if humanity's increasing biotechnical prowess can prevent a modern pandemic.
"Everything that's bad is politics; everything that's good is the market."
The difference between two identical genes—one edited and the other a natural mutation—is entirely metaphysical.
This will fail and more pressing problems will be neglected
Gene-editing technology will eventually allow parents to alter their future offspring's intelligence, height, eye color, and more. And that's worth celebrating.
The presidential hopeful doesn't realize that government biotech crop regulation helped to create the monopoly in the first place.
Title of the Nature Human Behavior article cited above sadly says it all.
Revving up pepper hotness in tomatoes using CRISPR genome-editing
Malthusian predictions of global famines keep receding.
Food security is not the problem, but nutrition security could be.
A regulatory pact between FDA and USDA may help speed up getting lab-grown meats to your local supermarket.
Low yield organic farming uses up lots more land and harms biodiversity
"A backward step, not progress"
An NPR report on "three-parent babies" in Ukraine provokes bioethical handwringing.
Yet another limit to growth recedes into the distance